Don't waste your time on the body wraps. They're a total scam! I wanted to lose that last couple inches before a Christmas vacation to the beach so I figured I would give it a try. Wrapped in wet ace bandages for an hour while working out on a gazelle is not a recipe to lose a few inches. Otherwise I could do that at home. When my "technician" unwrapped me she told me to look at how cloudy the water is and that those are all the toxins in my body. I was born during the day but not yesterday. Ace bandages soaking in a "solution" are probably going to result in dirty water. Needless to say I didn't see a bit of difference AT ALL. Not right after, not the next day. Its easy to fake you out too because they'll "measure" you all over your body and all they have to do is tighten that measuring tape just a little after the procedure to record a "difference". Covers their butt.
What a painful and expensive lesson. Learn from my mistake. I want my money back but I doubt that will happen.