| - This place is great, small, but just right. Yesterday, we went and I was so excited because they had New Zealand Corn Beef. The 11.5 oz can costs $6.50. And the 15 oz can was $7.50. So of course I got the 15 oz. Then we walked around, my son found the 2.0 oz container of preserved plums. So yummy. As we browsed around some more, I got a little too excited because I found pichi-pichi. I have not had pichi-pichi in years. I had a friend that made them day and brought them to work when I lived in Washington State. One day, we would have purple pichi-pichi, next day would be blue, then there was plain, green ones, red ones, and much much more. So I bought two batches. They were $2.99 for each. I also bought a batch of kutsinta that was $2.99. There was so much, but so little to spend. Next I will be stocking up. LOL.