When I arrived at Bark Street for my puppy's appointment, my puppy sat down in front of the doorway to the grooming area and refused to go in..There were 3 other dogs in the area staring at my puppy from the other side of the gate....My puppy still refused to go into the room...The owner grabbed the leash and started pulling and dragging him saying my dog had never been with other dogs and he was not socialized and that is why he is scared to go in...when she realized he wasn't going to move she reached down and unleashed him and picked him up and dropped him in the area with the other dogs..one of which was a huge St. Bernard...This is her way of socializing...As soon as my puppy was dropped on the ground all three dogs started running after him...This is not the way to introduce a dog into another setting with numerous dogs...All of this happened in a matter of seconds...the big St Bernard cornered my puppy under a sink and was trying to reach him...... By this time I had reached my puppy and I pushed the other dogs away and scooped him up and started walking for the door...The owner put the big dog in a crate and then wanted to start the grooming on my puppy...My puppy was so upset and shaking I told her I would reschedule...She told me my dog was not socialized and that I could reschedule on another day when she only had one other dog...She'll be waiting a long time..