I was spending time with some girlfriends on a Saturday, and suddenly we all realized that we were starving. I googled Sun Prairie restaurants and this place came up. The menu looked fine and it was close so we headed over.
We went in the wrong door. After parking in the first legal spot we found we entered the door that had an awning and and Open sign. It was a bar door, and it seemed to surprise the people in the bar, who all looked at us with something like shock.
We couldn't find any sort of host station or even a bartender, so we just kept walking in to the restaurant. Eventually we found a nervous young man who told us to sit anywhere. We almost sat in a broken booth (a little warning sign goes a long way) but were warned off by a nearby customer.
The place is very run-down inside. Broken booth, broken speakers, not all the lights on, BUT the food was fine and the prices were great. I had the Indian taco (Navajo fry-bread with taco toppings on top) and my friends had tacos and the Southwest burger. We all loved our food, and the server (the same nervous young man from before) was attentive.