I write for a living so I am constantly tied to my laptop and looking for a place to curl up and work. Of all the coffee shops and libraries I've worked out of across the country, this is most definitely my favorite spot.
If you go on their website, you can reserve a study room for up to two hours. I usually reserve a room for myself, check to see if their are any openings when my time is up and then just keep renewing the room all to myself. Of course if someone else comes along, I'll let them have it, but I might as well use it if it's just sitting there!
There are multiple places to hide out and work in on the five(?) floors here. I like the long tables on the second floor, although sometimes I like the views from the fifth floor and go up there instead.
Bring in a bottle of water and some quiet snacks and plan to spend the day. Great way to escape the heat during summer months. Oh and the parking lot has solar panels that are used as covered parking spots. Genius!