My first visit and I am unimpressed. I was envisioning a Surdykes (Huge liquor emporium in Minneapolis) with better prices. No comparison --Total Wine loses.
The selection of wine, beer and alcohol is extensive with many brands that I didn't recognize. The aisles are narrow and it takes some jostling for two carts to pass one another. Prices on popular products are market price, no better than Woodman's. Discounts are offered on select 6 bottle wine purchases. I didn't notice case discounts for alcohol. This may be due to their liquor license that only allows 4 liters of alcohol to be purchased on one receipt. If you're stocking up for a party be warned that you will be making multiple transaction at the check out. It won't endear you to the customers waiting behind you and what is the point if you just have multiple purchases at checkout?
In addition to alcohol they have a small cheese and meat cooler with a nice selection of boars head products. Other impulse worthy items are glassware, ice picks, cocktail accessories and minatures. Be wary, not all are priced.
There is a large cigar humidor that I didn't check out and so cannot comment on It.
It's new and worth a checking out. I'm not a fan of the mall so it won't be my first choice for my next beer run. Once the novelty wears off I'm not sure the shop local crowd will keep it on their radar.