| - I didn't pick this company, firstly, Home Depot did. It was for a HVAC tune-up. And trust me I've told them what I'm sharing with you.
Firstly my appointment was pushed back twice. When they called to reschedule the third time I said, "never mind", then suddenly they could come out on that day. I wished they hadn't.
The technician arrives (on time, good news), and looked at the ducts upstairs and wiring. He told me much was old (which I knew) and should be redone (ducts held together with old duct tape and should be resealed). He didn't know, however, how much that cost.
Then he went to the AC unit and called me to "come look at something". Outside, in the heat, he pointed out how one of the capacitors was burned out, and the cable to it was burned off (a cost of replacement around $250), the starter switch was bad and should be replaced, but mostly, the compressor was running at 12 OHMS over what it's max was, and that was a failed state. Replacing compressors were nearly $3000, and it should be done.
I asked for a written quote, but he couldn't do that, he needed to contact some supervisor. Fine. So the supervisor shows up, with a (what I can only assume was) a body guard, and the tech. They go through replacement costs for the whole system, and just because i'm so nice, include cleaning out the ducts and resealing them for free. But ONLY if I act now and buy today. Bottom line, they recommended I spend $9k for a whole new system.
That's bullying tactics and a lousy way to do business.
I contacted another company, one I worked with years ago, and had them out the next day. They simply replaced the burned capacitor wire (at no charge), checked that the capacitors worked fine, and once they were up and running the compressor worked great, but the starters needed replaced. Bottom line: $425.
'Nuff said.