| - The Taste of Charlotte is a big event - but it is really a bit of a drag. Coins are an interesting concept until you realize just how much you are paying for the food*. $4.29 for a tiny pork slider? $5.71 for an alcoholic drink? A bit much under most circumstances. There are a couple of bargains - the mini taco salad was a decent size for the price (just one coin) comes to mind. The free samples were decent, but few and far between.
While I agree that there are mostly chains here, your average mom and pop is just unable to set up for such a huge turnout. At the same time, your larger providers (chains) should be able to cut their price a bit and make it up on quantity. I am sure there are all sorts of costs involved, and I have no doubt that it is a pain - but even at noon on Friday the place was packed. Drop many items to a single coin or two and there would be even more people there - allowing everyone to easily make it up on larger volume.
The food itself was tasty, if a bit bland. Out of the thirty or so vendors, about half had to have pulled pork. I get where we are, and I love pulled pork, but really? Surely there should be some vetting and at some point someone needs to say there was just a bit too much pulled pork on the street.
Beyond that, having the event Uptown is cool, but trying to squeeze so many into such a small space along with booths just is not all that practical. Plus it cuts off the streets. Maybe throw it down in Marshall park where everyone can spread out and get a little elbow room.
*Prices may vary slightly depending on just how much you paid for your coins - these are based on 7 coins for $10, in case you want to figure it out for yourself.