I've been to the Calgary Humane Society and have adopted 3 cats over the years. Our last visit there on the weekend was very disappointing. We went Saturday afternoon only to find their computer system down. The three staff members weren't very helpful since the system was down and during our time there were busy chatting with each other. It would have been appreciated if someone would have suggested that we take the paperwork home with us to prepare for the visit on Sunday. We were unable to visit with any of the cats but we received a phone call at the end of the day stating that the system just came up but they were closed. She providing some information over the phone on one of the cats so we stated that we will go Sunday morning at opening to spend time with the cats. We arrived at 10:00 AM on Sunday and spent about an hour with one of the 2 cats. The woman that was entering our data seemed rather arrogant during our time with her. When I made a comment about the cat being a long hair, she stated no, she was a medium hair. I've been around cats long enough to know the difference. As well, the card on the kennel stated long hair. We found it very difficult to find someone to help us view the second cat. We were ushered to the waiting area and told to wait. No explanation about what was going on. Because we had a function to attend that afternoon, we were running short on time. After standing in a long line up again, this woman told us that we would have to put a non refundable deposit of 40.00 on the first cat. This is a procedure we never had to do before. When we discussed it and went back to that woman she said that someone else was going to look at the cat and we couldn't put the deposit down. Long story short was that I've never been so poorly treated here before. There was such a lack of communication and new procedures and fees popping up without us being told that we ended up walking out, leaving a beautiful kitty behind. I'm not sure what the issue was but I would suggest that this woman requires further training. Perhaps their staffing levels should have been addressed especially when the system was down the day before as the place was chaotic and unorganized. I will not step through those doors again. I'll utilize one of the many other wonderful organizations out there.