This place has potential, but i have a feeling that it will never live up to that potential.
As soon as you walk into the joint, the guards are as rude as can be. I get it, i look young, but no reason to spend literally 5 minutes looking at my id.
No matter where you go in the casino, it reeks of smoke. Or it did last time I was there.
It looks rundown, like they care more about taking your money than cleaning up the place.
The machines are as tight as your grandpa that hides his money throughout his house. You could spend hundreds and not win a dime.
The buffet definitely has potential if they actually kept up with the food. It's almost always lukewarm when I'm there.
Parking will always depend on what's going on in the city that day. But usually you're fine.
I would recommend leaving the city of a little while to make the trip up to Meadows, you won't regret it.