While visiting our parents my sister and I went in for an over priced mani and pedi's and that's NOT what I dislike about the place. I'm not sure the name of the person that did my nails but she was awful and it all started when I told her that I didn't have cash for a tip. For a gift I paid for both my sister and my services. I handed the gal my card and when she came back with my credit card receipt I noticed that there wasn't a place for a tip. I asked how I was suppose to tip and she said, "you have cash?" and I said, "no." She looked at my sister and said, "you have cash?" Which bothered me because I was paying and I didn't want to burden my sister and she didn't have anyway. I asked if she could run my card again for the tip and I knew the rest of our visit was going to be unpleasant by her reaction. She asked how much for the tip I said, "$10" and she said, "for each of us?" and I said "no, for both." She stomped away and when she came back she was slamming things around and when she put my sandals on she smudged my big toes' fresh nail polish, looked at it, and walked away. In addition to that my sister and I had the same exact services and the gal that worked on my sister spent an extra 20 minutes on her then my person did on me. My sister and I were really offended and bothered by the way that we were treated. We will never go back here.