DO NOT TRUST THIS PLACE. I brought my dog in two years ago for a simple teeth examination and left with an unnecessary blood work which I purchased solely based on the reading of their scale which "showed" that my dog had lost 1IB of weight, for a small dog thats a lot. Now I put showed in quotations because the reading of the scale is facing the receptionists desk so they could have said it read anything. I had asked 2x to use one of their smaller scales but the vet did not allow me to put him on it and told me that those scales are for cats. Now thats very odd considering that I just recently at another vet had him weighed on that same "cat" scale and it produced a much more accurate reading than the large one on the floor. Also i weighed him again a few days later and his weight was back to his normal weight and the blood work came back all normal. Now either they lied to me or their scale didnt give an accurate reading of my dogs weight.
I spoke with the manager recently and he would not admit there was any fault on their end, though he was willing to refund half the cost of the blood test. Now I have to wonder why even refund half if you dont think anything wrong was done. I told him that a responsible vet would have checked with another scale before rushing to recommend a blood test. I got no response to that point.
So Laird-Eglinton Pet Hospital please explain to me how a dog can lose such a large amount of weight and yet act completely normal and have a normal blood work? Could that scale have given out a not accurate reading?
And why could the small scale not be used to weight him to confirm such an unusual reading?
I purchased that blood work SOLELY on the reading of that scale. I would have not done so had the scale shown a proper reading and/or he was weighted on one of the small scales in the examination room. He was active and acting normal. It was the drop in weight that scared me and got me to purchase that blood work. Therefore I do not want part of what I paid back I want nt the whole thing refunded to me or at the very least an answer to my questions. that is if customer service is really actually important to them.