| - My dog was diagnosed as having some arthritis and despite being on Cosequin DS, also prescribed Rimadyl. Within a few weeks and after dropping the dose to half, my dog had a suspected adverse reaction to the Rimadyl. Attending Vet said it was the strongest possibility since the Rimadyl was the only thing new to the dog in the three weeks since he had been seen last. Also, lab work seemed to suggest an internal bleed indicative of Rimadyl side effect. At the time of prescribing, I was not aware that Rimadyl poses significant threat to labs and lab mixes, I was not made aware of any side effects that could be life threatening except for liver toxicity, and I was not given a drug fact sheet as is mandated by the FDA when dispensing this drug. The dog has since improved and tho I left a message with the Vet to ask about a repeat blood test to better confirm her (our)suspicions that Rimadyl was the cause, and also to do a urine check(as Rimadyl can also cause kidney and bladder infection), I have not had a return phone call. Original call was several days ago. I am very disappointed. If your pet suffers an adverse reaction to Rimadyl, call Pfizer and the FDA. Both numbers can be found online and each encourages you to call even if only "Suspected" Rimadyl adverse reaction. I am calling today.
Update: Vet has finally called, so I will cut them a bit if slack as my pet is doing very well, but it was a very stressful time for me and I wish the follow-up had been faster.