I took my cat in to be boarded for a few days and to get neutered. When he came home he was very lethargic and wouldn't eat or drink. He actually wouldn't even really move and would hide under the covers all day which he never did before.
I assumed this was all normal considering all he had been through and we had just moved into a new apartment.
Well, I noticed last night that he was licking at a huge laceration on his lower abdomen. I must not have noticed it before because he has long hair and must've been keeping it clean and had been hiding so much.
I called the vet and all she could say is that it's unfortunate that he was hurt and it didn't happen there. I know it sure didn't happen in my apt bc I literally took him from the vet to the new empty apt that still has no furniture so there is nothin sharp. I only have an air mattress and I've checked to make sure there aren't any sharp objects anywhere.
So now my poor cat just had his second surgery in 7 days and is so traumatized. I definitely didn't take him back but to another vet. Beware!!!!