| - This place sucks. Be prepared to wait, and really wait. They turned this place into kinda a factory line where you are waiting outside in the lobby for FOREVERRR! When you go in to get your X-ray done, since they have the digital X-ray machine, they will not do it right the first time and keep reshooting cuz they don't need to waste the bitewings, and after that you wait in the lobby, again.
When they finally call you in to see the dentist you end up waiting longer. When he finally come in to examine you, he introduces himself really quick, then he did a general exam where he basically insult you and say you don't have perfect teeth and to get braces, and he claimed that I have a cavity on one of my tooth (which is not true cuz I went to another dentist).
This place is really unprofessional and unorganized, they will misplace your chart and none of the hygienist will introduce themselves. They also talk super loud esp. the Latina in the front that looks like she's in charged so everyone in the vicinity will be able to hear your treatment or cost (i.e. I overheard them telling a lady that the cost is normally blah blah blah for this, but they are only charging however much.. etc)
The only advice I have for you is to run away and run fast! But... if you have to come here because you are bored, avoid coming in on Wednesday cuz they overbook on that day.