| - You are better of wiping your butt with your money than giving it to All Copy.
We purchased a machine in August of 2016 and under the contract terms, it included 2 hours of IT set up time. When the machine arrived the IT guy was not aware that he was scheduled to come so I had to wait 30 minutes later for him to arrive (no biggy, things happen). However, when he got here he told me that he wasn't used to "Mac Software" and didn't really know how to fine tune any of the printer settings...In such a technologic era you would think someone who calls himself an "IT" guy would be familiar with Apple? Or even better their paperwork would ask to designate if we have PC or Macs?
All Copy promised so many features such as scan to email, scan to folder, tray selection, etc. and we were left with NOTHING! By the time the IT guy left after only 30 minutes of being here we could not even use the printer.
Since we print 300+ documents per day, having an inoperable printer was not an option so we called our own, dependable IT company to come and correct settings for us. He did everything All Copy promised in about 1 hour! And showed me how easy it was to correct certain settings that the All Copy IT guy failed to even attempt to do.
Finally, we called the manager of our account to ask if we could receive a credit for the out of pocket expenses we had to pay to our IT person and he said yes, as long as we sent over the invoices.
Sent the invoices 8 months ago and have gotten numerous threats from their accounts receivable department where I re-explained the entire process of what happened at least 3 times. No credit was issued, no person cares or takes the time to fix anything. My boss called last week to finally bury everything and the account manager gave zero remorse or interest, in fact he tried to threaten us. Biggest vendor mistake - All Copy employees are useless, careless and outright unprofessional.