Had a wonderful time on Kauai. I wanted to fly Hawaiian airlines as the last time I was on Kauai my late wife and I flew Hawaiian. We had 2 children since that trip, 8 and 5 years of age currently. The flight there was wonderful...however, the flight home was less than memorable. Being a veteran, single dad, with a 5 yr old daughter (and 8 yr old son)...I had to take her to the laboratory during dinner service (which is great - as they are the last US based airline to offer complimentary food service). We were in row 18 and the food cart was just behind us and my 5 yr old daughter had to use the restroom - that moment as a parent where you know it needs to happen now! I went forward and the First Class flight attendant told us 'we must use the restrooms behind us'. What the heck?
I shared with her that the food cart was preventing us from going to the restroom....and asked again for my 5 yr old daughter to use the restroom. ..with one of the laboratories open! Like a police officer she said no, the food cart is almost past the restrooms! And some FAA rule about using the restroom upfront...there was no one waiting and, again, a labratory open.
HERE is where is gets even better...I got back to row 18 and tried to lift my daughter over my seat and her brothers middle seat ( we had the 3 seats in middle of the 767)..and she flipped his seat tray like a spring. His meal and her meal went EVERYWHERE! I'm talking about rice, teriyaki chicken and ginger ale all over our seats...she is screaming that she is going to wet her pants...I'm mortified as a single dad...that I am failing, as I am trying to teach these kids manners. REALLY HAWAIIAN AIRLINES...a 5 yr old during meal service can't use the laboratory in First Class!? I will never spend another dollar with this airline, ever again. And make sure I share with anyone who will listen to do the same. I'm sorry our family trip ended on such a sour note.