This post office is one of the worst I have ever visited!
Most of the time I am there they only have one person behind the counter and the line is huge. I stood in line twenty minutes and the lady had the same person at the counter the whole time. I had to leave cause I was afraid I'd be late to work, I had an hour but there were still 7 or 8 people in front of me.
Also, their displays are always all messed up, I grabbed a floppy package that was on top of at least 10 others labeled as small flat rate... I finally get to the cashier and she said it wasn't flat rate, they must have been missed placed. It's a freaking post office, how stupid do you have to be to miss stock the 20 items you carry?! I said okay, where are the small flat rate boxes? She points them out and says I'll have to get back at the end of the line and that I also had to pay for the floppy package that I'd "used". It ended up being cheaper just shipping the floppy by the time it all added up, but she didn't mention this till I had already "used" the flat rate box she pointed out! Hate this post office!