Wow- similar experience as other reviewers. Purchased Lg
Dishwasher from Best Buy. On the 2nd load every it refused to turn off. Called LG and they sent Carolina Appliance. First go around - not too bad. After it was fixed - same thing. LG and BEst Buy promised a replacement but Carolina appliance had to sign off on it as a lemon .
the owner was beyond rude!!!! Made many promises and failed to keep them. Claimed his repair guy was out of cell range all day.
He started taunting me -Serves you right for shopping at Best Buy he says. Maybe you should call the Geek Squad.
Asked hubs to call - 30 seconds into the the call, the guy is out if control. He get Threatened him and hung up.
We were also being held hostage by This guy at Carolina Appliance - as they won't release us so LG could assign another repairman.
I'm really thinking this guy has some serious anger management issues!
The final result - DW was used two times- Best Buy took it back and we are waiting for our Bosch.