| - A long time ago, in a land far, far away (Vermont) I once attended university. It was a pretty good time, except for when it wasn't. I had a nagging girlfriend 300 miles away who forbade me to have any fun, and I was so young and dumb I often listened to her. But when I didn't...I made damned sure to make the most of it. Like on my trips to Montreal, where I would visit a friend who studied at McGill. We used to hit up all the college-y bars like Miami, that other two-story bar whose name I've forgotten, and Bifteck. Fuck the hipster bars like Korova. Let the VICE nerds have their spots, I always say.
I liked imbibing at Bifteck the best. Free popcorn, pool tables, and gorgeous young waitresses serving cheap pitchers of beer and moderately cheap shots. What more could a young man ask for? Nothing. Literally nothing. Cheep booze, good scenery, and a pool table for when I get drunk and want to throw my money away. That's my life, guys. It's simple, but I love it.
Oh, also I was back here a few weeks ago and I was glad to see it hasn't changed much. I think that was the original point of my review. Then I got sidetracked. Just like every other Yelp review I try to write. Sorry about that.