Lasership is the worst DELIVERY COMPANY EVER! They Mark Delivered When Nothing IS THERE! They ALREADY did that to me TWICE this week. I have been watching my package all that day both times and there was ABSOLUTELY NO PACKAGE! That's unfair to the customer to say the order is delivered and there is no package. Some of my tracking was ABSOLUTELY Ridiculous also. Loaded onto truck 10:28 a.m. Out for Delivery 10:29 a.m. Delivered 10:30.What? The whole process of this "so called Delivery" took place in the span of three minutes! Yeah Right! Guess what? NO PACKAGE! That's proof of FALSE DELIVERY! Lasership is a Spaceship that beams up your package to another dimension where you may or may not see it again! Companies please let us choose our carriers and stop using Lasership!