I recently went for my very first massage. I am very satisfied with the services that I received at this spa.
When we came in we were greeted immediately and invited to sit down and was given tea and cookies while they prepared the rooms for us. Five minutes later, one of the ladies returned to notify us that the room was almost ready and she pulled the sliding door across the room to give us a bit of privacy as we waited.
What was unfortunate for these two ladies was a bad customer that was in before us. The customer was yelling at the two ladies saying that she was not satisfied at all with the services because her wax had taken too long. She began yelling and demanding her 40.00 back. All the while, the two ladies tried to keep their composure and explain to her that even though it may have taken longer, the job was still done. Personally, listening to both sides.. I thought the bad customer was totally wrong. She had not opened her mouth at all during her wax to inquire about the time, etc but once she was finished she demanded her money back for it taking too long. Understandable but the job was still done at the end of the day. She made an extremely big fuss over nothing and it was a bit unpleasant for all of us.
The initial girl who greeted us invited us to go into our rooms and shut the door. She constantly apologized for the unpleasant 'background' noise we had to hear while waiting for our rooms. She was honest and upfront and told us what had happened and why the customer was mad and yelling. I appreciated the honesty. She wanted us to understand what was going on and apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused us and about our experience here.
I was told that we were going to get a back massage but these two ladies gave us a full body massage. It was relaxing and it felt great!
I would definitely come back again!