During my recent visit to Vegas I took a walk down the Fremont Street Experience until the very end. I noticed a arched sign saying Fremont East District. I decided to cross the street and continued to walk until I noticed a big bug in front of a building.
That building turned out to be the Downtown Container Park. The big bug was a praying mantis that shoots flames and it scared the bejeezus out of me. I jumped every single time the flames shot out.
I noticed a heart shape sculpture with a lot of padlocks. I believe it was the Lock of Hearts for Downtown Las Vegas.
I continued on towards the entrance where the security was standing.
"May I help you?" Asked the security.
"Is it alright if I walked around?" I asked.
"Go right ahead. It is a shopping center," was his response.
I passed the entrance and noticed a play area for children as well as kids at heart. There was a Mexican eatery, a store where you can purchase hot chocolate, few other restaurants, a toy store, plus a big open area with a couple lounge couches for movie nights.
I had asked a different security guard about the open area and he mentions that in the summer they would have at least two bands perform on stage daily. At 9pm it would be adults only because of all the alcohol being served.
That sounded very interesting. I may have to plan for a summer visit and experience what the Downtown Container Park has to offer.