I have used multiple different ice cream trucks at events and my experience is not that of the person eating the ice cream but of using this vendor for an event.
First problem: they make you request a price sheet. They then send you something that they claim is a price sheet but it is full of vague price ranges and the ranges don't list what products relate to those prices.
Second problem: is you get sent emails that dont make sense, not minor grammatical erros but random words and new lines in the middle of what isnt event a sentence. You cant even guess what they are trying to write.
Third problem: they charge you for distance from Mint Hill. I understand if you want them in Gastonia or Huntersville but if you are in Charlotte proper you arent expecting to be somewhat out of market.
Fourth problem: confusing explanations. They give each truck a cute name so you have to lookup what the name means, instead of just referring to the trucks by what they serve. Computers dont mind looking things up, people do. Imagine if you were at a party and had to refer to people by their phone numbers and you had to lookup the number of the person you wanted to talk to. The entire excercise is exhausting.
Fifth problem: they were the last if four companies to get back to me. I actually ended up calling them and chasing them down so they never actually got back to me.
If you have a website make it useful. If you arent available 24x7 for immediate assistance dont hide all the pertinent details from people.