Oh, Sugar Bowl. I die in a sundae of cuteness.
I am looking beyond your worn pink leather seats and peeling wallpaper to see the Zoe Deschanel-like adorableness beneath. Could you use a day at the spa? Yes. What lady doesn't from time to time? I sure hope you get one soon.
My friends and I had walked around Old Town for a couple of hours and it was time for a birthday treat (yes, it was my friend's birthday!). Since I was hot from walking, I stuck with what first caught my eye: the Golden Nugget. This concoction is orange sherbet, vanilla ice cream and Sprite all whipped up. YES. It was refreshing and just enough sweet. One friend got a root beer float and the birthday girl had a brownie sundae both of which were declared delicious.
The menu seemingly has not changed since the place opened in 1959 (ham salad?) but the food ordered by our neighbors smelled good and was reminiscent of your typical diner fare.
Sugar Bowl, you need a little fixing up. I'm not saying you need to change, because gosh, you're cute. But just, you know, a little updating. A little nip and tuck, that's all. Keep it fresh. The young cynical youth will appreciate you a bit more.