| - The short review: Customer service reps are generally helpful, but the sales guy is a scammer. Watch out and be sure you ask all questions anticipating any situation or they will make sure it always works only to their advantage and not to the customer's. Now the long's what happened to us:
I got a phone on my normal upgrade time. I wanted one with a keyboard. NOT a touchscreen, since I'd had problems with a previous touchscreen phone. They sold me an LG ENV3 at a different location. However, I had to buy a data package. Had to. Apparently it was the Verizon Law. I bought the cheapest I could--$10/month. I barely used the data package, because the screen was too small for you to see anything on any web browser. It's NOT a smartphone. just a regular phone. Ripoff #1 for this series of events.
About a year and a half later, I visit this particular location by Chandler Mall. The helpful customer service rep mentioned that perhaps I'd like to check into a smartphone. I told him what features I used and was looking for (including a full keyboard) and he showed me the one I could get when my plan was up or upon early upgrade time.
Maybe a month later, my phone started giving me problems. It wasn't working right. I went back in, looking for the same helpful guy, thinking I could give him the sale. He was off, and he wasn't a sales person. I told the manager how helpful he was, anyway, in case his raise was coming up or bonus time or something. They gave me another sales person. He informed me that they were having a buy 1, get 1 free sale on the smartphones I was looking at. Oh, but because of this sale, they were out of stock--phone on backorder. They could order it to be shipped to my house. It would take about 8 days. 8 days without a phone? No. He suggested that I use an old one. I had no old one. He then convinced me that there was the exact same phone w/o a keyboard..and NO ONE wanted the keyboard phones now; they were becoming obsolete. He was skeptical at first, but he got used to the touch-screen keyboard and was sure I would, too. Ok, I relented, since I felt like I had to get SOMEthing. I asked if I could get the free one as the other one on backorder and they just ship it to me. No, he said.
I took the phone home, without instructions, figuring there must be a user guide--there always was before. No. Just a quickstart guide. not even a tutorial online. I had to ask my facebook friends how to do things. 6 mos later, I still was having a hard time typing. I actually called a few months before that to ask the store if I could trade my other phone, never removed from the box, for the one I originally wanted. "Has it been more than 14days?" yes, I said. "Then, no, there's nothing you can do". So, I got so disgusted one day that I went online to chat with a cust svc rep online. He told me to call and even though the store couldnt' do anything, cust svc COULD get me a different phone. I called. A very helpful guy told me that the stores have loaner phones and he should have offered me one of those until my phone came in. OR, he could have offered to sell me a really cheap phone and return it in the 14day window. AND, he most certainly COULD have given me the other phone as my 2nd phone and had it shipped to me. Unethical of the salesman, but nothing cust service could do except recommend that I sell my other new phone on Craigslist and use that $ to get an early upgrade approved by cust svc for the phone I wanted. FYI we had been Verizon customers for 10 years at this point.
I chose not to do that. I chose to change cell phone companies with more ethical salespeople. I also called cust service later to ask them some question, and they asked me about my son's phone, and I said he can't use the data package, (same as my ENV3) and so he never uses it. They said, you dont' have to have the data package. If you block all data, we will cancel the fee for the data package! Apparently this had always been an option, but not one salesperson from Verizon had ever told me this (including the abovementioned unethical one who also activated the other ENV3 we had gotten from my son's aunt for him to have). Enter this store if you need to purchase something at your own risk. If you're just looking, it should be ok.