I hired Mr. (Erin) Oneil to install a concrete driveway with an apron (the section between the sidewalk and street) in Spring 2016. I have had no complaints about his work, but months afterwards I was checking the City of Madison Assessor's site for my house and found that it still said it has an asphalt driveway. A call to the City of Madison Engineering Department confirmed my suspicion---there was no permit acquired for the driveway apron, which was required by the city. I could not buy a permit myself because Mr. Oneil is not on an approved list of concrete contractors for the City of Madison (as of Nov. 2016). Queries about this to Mr. Oneil have gone unanswered. Now if I'm ever required to obtain a permit for my driveway apron, I would have to hire a contractor to tear it up and reinstall it, which I estimate would cost $750-1000. At least I've learned that in the future, before I do business with a contractor, to be sure to ask them about any needed permits!