| - Oh boy. I really wanted to like this place. The decor is the usual trendy fare with stainless steel this and that. The hipsters are sure to love it, very Chipotle-esque.
The food. Very, very disappointing. It sure did look like a gourmet, high-end burger but it managed to taste bleh. I think it was the toppings. I had the Bluegrass burger (this chain's attempt at regionalization) and it tasted awful! I'm still in disbelief! Did they not test this thing before putting it on the menu? I can't swear to it, but I think the "cheddar" they used on this thing was a cheese sauce. Really? On a $6 gourmet burger? If for some reason I'm mistaken and it was actually a slice of real cheddar cheese, I'm sorry they need to look for a different supplier. Cheese that doesn't taste like yak ass would be a good start.
My wife had the Spicy Baja burger. This was another bland, uninspired burger. The giant leaf of lettuce tasted very strong. I know it sounds weird but it tasted like yard work. It was better than the Bluegrass burger though (which isn't saying much). The fries... the fries. They offer something called smash fries. It's fries covered in oil, garlic and rosemary. This does not even sound good to me, that's why I ordered regular french fries. Guess what they brought to my table? Yep, smash fries. I figured what the heck. I tried one. Have you ever accidentally tasted ear wax? Yeah, that's how my taste buds reacted to that french fry mess. I got my regular fries though and they couldn't have been any more generic. Think Steak n' Shake fries, just slightly thicker.
On the upside, the burger patty itself was good. It was cooked just the way I like it with just a hint of pink and plenty juicy. The big smash, which I thought was going to be two patties is actually one big (as in diameter) patty. With a patty this good and tasty, it's a shame they screwed up the rest of the burger.
This place has no soul. From the stock generic logo and Chipotle-wannabe look to the menu built by someone who obviously does not know burgers.