| - In August/September 2017, I helped my friend's mother move into Arbor Rose and out of there. I was appalled at what I witnessed.
Move in - it was a Saturday and we arrived with mother and all of her belongings. The building is not secure during the day (locked at night). Staff was working in the kitchen (which is part of the common area when you walk in) and not one person welcomed her. They didn't know she was moving in and wasn't sure which room she was assigned. We eventually got her belongings in place. Mother was quite distraught over the whole ordeal. The staff did nothing to welcome her or put any precautions in place to help her acclimate to the situation. She told me several times she was going to walk out the doors after we left. Eventually, she participated in lunch (which upset her because it was disgusting), but she engaged with other residents and eased up a bit. When it was time for us to go, we spoke with the techs and told them of her threat to leave, they said they would keep an eye on her.
We sat in the parking lot for the next hour and observed a tech with residents sitting in the courtyard and saw mother chatting with them. She seemed to be happy enough and we thought it was safe to go home. Four hours later, my friend called me in a panic. She received a call from On the Border (Power and US 60) that her mother was there! She had left Arbor Rose and walked to On the Border without anyone knowing she was gone for 2-3 hours! One tech said he saw her go outside a few times but she would return to the building so he figured she was okay and never checked on her again.
My friend told me about more problems but I will stick with what I witnessed, so fast forward a few weeks when we had to move the mother to another facility.
My friend took her mother to a ball game while 4 of us went to load her belongings. She did not tell Arbor Rose that her mother was moving out. We were all basically strangers walking into the building and removing her items without one person questioning us. One tech was sitting in the corner watching TV with a resident, and a couple other people were in the office, which they closed the door after about our 6th trip passing by. The sales manager stopped by the room and was all smiles, assuming we were moving in. She had no idea whose room she was in and that we were moving out.
I couldn't believe they would allow people to come and go without questioning them. The residents who live there are vulnerable with the lack of security. The place seems understaffed to give residents the care they should have.
By contrast, the new place we moved her to has locked doors to pass through. The mother was not with us when we moved her belongings in, yet we were greeted by 5 different people looking to meet her, asking who we were, where she was, and offering us help. When she did arrive, a tech was assigned to stay with her for a few days to help her acclimate to the new facility.