| - This company installed an awning on the side of our business, which was supposed to be fairly airtight to allow us to heat an exterior portion of our patio for winter use. The workmanship of the awning was, in our opinion, poor and as a result we have never been able to use it for its intended purpose. The awning was never structurally sound in our view and was made from what looks to be cheap thin piping that does not appear to be very suitable to carry the necessary weight required for the job. The whole thing is pulling away from the building, which will require expensive repairs and has created a number of issues with our landlord including water damage in the ceiling of the building.
We asked that the initial design be modified to give it a greater height, which they agreed to do if we waived the liability for the change in design. Little did we know that we gave up ALL RIGHTS to have ANY of this work warranted. They apparently do not stand behind any of it - the seemingly cheap fabric that leaks incessantly, the lack of sealing against the building resulting in extreme damage, and the bowing of the pipes that has made it impossible for us to seal or to use it for its intended purpose. This monstrosity has cost us nearly $20,000 and is in our view unusable.
When we asked to have it remedied and withheld final payment of about $1,700, they sued us for refusal to pay despite our dissatisfaction. We how have to pay a judgement against us which hurts because we expected to get some value for the money spent. We therefore cannot recommend their work based on our poor experience.
We also now have to pay to have this whole thing demolished and for another company to install an awning that is actually suitable structurally for this application. The second time around, the new company will be using flame retardant fabric and an aluminum extruded structure able to withstand the weight and weather - ALL for ABOUT THE SAME PRICE for a SUBSTANTIALLY BETTER AWNING. Shop around before you buy!