My one hour full body massage was so bad that the following day I ended up in the ER for the most severe back and shoulder pain. I did tell the guy who gave me the massage that I had a lot of tension in my neck and shoulders..who doesn't? He worked on the one shoulder blade, applied so much pressure that he bruised me. At one point he told me that there was just 5 minutes left of my hour and in that 5 minutes he did my arms, legs and feet! He was also real stingy on using oil or lotion (When I mentioned a couple of common back problems and treatments I had had, he didn't impress me with having a clue as to what I was talking about. (I did call the College of Massage Therapists and they were surprised how ignorant he was of my medical issues.
When I came out of the room to pay he was hovering over me as paid with debit.The tip was one of the charges and was calculated on the cost of the massage and the HST That really put me off. I tip well when I am happy with the service and server, but imposing the tip and calculated on the HST, pissed me off. Tip is has nothing to do the HST. Tipping is my choice and at my discretion, but at this joint.
I have been to other locations of the Great American Backrub and never had a problem.
The Eaton Centre hopefully will not renew their lease as this stupid back rub place has no class and just doesn't fit in with all the new upgrades and more upscale shops. This Great American Backrub place ain't great at all!