| - The worst dry cleaners ever with the shittiest customer service. Don't come here unless you want the staff to lose your stuff and then insist to your face that you're confused and you've already picked it up while yelling that they wouldn't steal your clothes.
I put in my brand new, $270 Club Monaco dress for cleaning last Thursday and flew out Thursday evening to New York. I came back on Monday to collect my clothes and the guy says someone has already picked up my clothes. I give him the receipt stub and he insists that I've already picked them up on Friday. He shows me the log where it says it was picked up on Friday and that must have been me. I patiently explain to him that I flew out of Charlotte on Thursday so there is no way I could have picked it up on Friday.
He insists that it was me and starts yelling things like "You're confused okay! Go back and check" and "I'm asian, I wouldn't steal your clothes!" and things like "Do you think I would steal your dress? Do you think I want to wear your dress?". I told him of course I don't think you would steal my dress, but I think you might have mixed it up with someone else's laundry, can you take a closer look for me?" He shows me one other black dress that he has under "Misa" and says it's obviously not my name. He tells me he can't help me and literally shoos me out of the shop.
I have never, in all my life, been subject to such disgustingly rude customer service. Do you realize you're an establishment that provides services to other people? Maybe you're too uneducated and stupid to realize that. Alright, can you at least be a decent human being? A functioning member of society? It's human nature to help others out when they see that they're distressed. Alright, let's say you are a barely functioning baboon that really should be locked up somewhere eating your own feces. Can you at least not insult me and yell at me? It's your fucking fault you lost my skirt and yet you are the one that's yelling at me while I am trying to explain the situation? You can't even check with the other Misa customer to see whether you've gotten your clothes mixed up? You lost my fucking dress and you can't even be bothered to do some basic investigation for me? Mere words cannot describe how poorly I think of that disgusting piece of slimed up mucus ball that's been ingested by a sow and excreted out the other side poor excuse of a man.
I take down the number of this "Misa" girl from the tag on the dress and I call her and ask her to check her laundry. She says she actually got my dress by mistake now that she's taken a closer look at it and will return it tomorrow.
So, basically, they gave my dress to some other person WHO DID NOT HAVE MY STUB. I'm pretty sure that's illegal. That is a major lapse of security. Just imagine, if someone with a similar name as you asked for their laundry and got your expensive suit and did NOT give it back to you.
The next day I go to collect my dress. The guy is not apologetic at all. He's on the phone, hands me the dress and just motions with his hand that I should leave. WOW. All other dry cleaning companies would have been ashamed of themselves and have given the customers a coupon for a free launder or something to make up for the hassle. Not this guy. Not this sniveling pile of maggot meat here. I ask him, "So you said I'm confused? I told you you mixed up the laundry." He says, "Oh the name is similar." Similar MY ASS. The other girl's name is MISA my name is RENA. How the fuck is that similar.
I understand that mix ups happen. People make mistakes, it's life. But not helping your customers when your mistake has cost them dearly? Insulting your customers? Not owning up to your mistakes? Not even trying to compensate for the time/ energy/ money lost? This really is a first.
It was really good luck that I was able to find my $270 dress from Club Monaco since the store clerk was less than useless. I will never be doing business with them again and I highly encourage anyone and everyone else to do the same. I work just above the dry cleaner's building so it's really convenient for me to dry clean there but it really just isn't worth the monetary loss and hassle. I was so upset all afternoon because I really liked that dress and I had just bought it a month ago for a whopping $270! Which I would have lost if I had not called Misa and resolved the problem by myself - they sure weren't any help!
1. They gave my laundry to someone else even though the other person did not have my ticket stub.
2. When i asked them about it they insulted me to my face and refused to help me.
3. I tracked down the girl who they mixed up my dry cleaning with and got my clothes back.
4. I would have lost $270 dress if I hadn't called the girl myself
5. When I confronted the guy the next day he wasn't apologetic at all and did not offer ANY FORM of compensation