The aisles are a good size and there's lot of selection for both cats and dogs. The store's always clean!
The staff isn't always the most helpful, however, when certain items aren't available on the shelves. We've been in numerous times and the dog food that we buy for our pooches is only in stock about 50% of the time...and when it isn't the staff alternates between "I don't think we carry that", "It probably wasn't selling so the owner hasn't ordered it", or "We've never sold that before."
We try to get the dogs' food here, first, because it tends to be a bit cheaper than other places in the beaches. If, however, what want isn't available we'll wander down to the Dog Market where prices are a bit higher but product more reliably available (and staffed by people who are always eager to re-order any food for us that isn't currently in stock).