| - It seems that this place has been opened for almost a year now, and I finally decided to check out the place. I have seen it on Google Maps, but never had the "urge" to try it out, until tonight.
I arrived around 1 hour before closing, and noticed that it was empty. Perhaps the mediocre reviews that this location got, could reflect the place being empty? Or perhaps its just "cold" out? Who knows. I entered the restaurant from the back entrance, and went to place my order. I noticed that there was only one employee there. The employee apologized as he/she was watching the sports game on their phone, and I said its okay.
I glanced through their menu, and the employee asked what I would like. I told him that I would want a veggie burrito. He said no problem, and then proceeded to ask what I would like in it. I told him I would like to try the habanero tortilla, the soy chorizo and the regular fillings. I asked if they had pico de gallo and they did not. While he started to make the burrito, I took a glance at the restaurant. It was well organized, clean and neat. The displays for the various nachos, tortillas, etc. were displayed properly.
When the employee was making the burrito, I was observing, as I normally do at any burrito place, and he wore gloves (yes I look at that too, as one burrito place, they didn't). Overall it took him around 5 to 10 minutes or so, to prepare the entire thing. This I think is normal, as the other burrito places I've been to, they take the same amount of time. However, the times I've gone to the other places, they've been semi to extremely busy. So I assume that since no one else was in the restaurant, he decided to take a little bit of extra time. I thought I could use it to my advantage, as the taste will be great - but lo and behold it wasn't. Dun dun dun.....
INTERMISSION ----------------------------
Ah so let me continue. He placed the burrito in a plate, with nachos and salsa. I proceed to sit down and inspect my food before I take a bite out of anything. Yes its a habit of mine. I just don't dive right into the food heh. Looking at the nachos, they did not seem fresh, and so I decided to take a bite out of it. It was neither crunchy nor soft. It was in the middle. They were cold, which was fine, and the salsa was cold, straight out of the fridge. I guess some don't mind this, but I don't like too cold of a salsa. I then took a bite out of the burrito, and it had this weird taste - as though one of the ingredients was rotten. Something wasn't right about it, as even now after more than an hour - my stomach is still hurting. I've had soy chorizo elsewhere, so that can't be it. Any how, let me get back to it. Part of the burrito was cold, and the other was hot. The ingredients were not flavourful, and it wasn't satisfying. I guess taking the extra time to prepare/cook the ingredients and such, didn't pay off huh? I was this close to just leaving the rest, but I told myself, it is my hard earned money. Yes $8.99 + taxes is my hard earned money, and seeing it go to waste, makes me upset. So I opted to finish the whole thing.
In conclusion, I don't think I'll be coming back to this place, or if I do, I guess I will go when its busier, and see if the quality changes then. I have been to other burrito chain joints (not including Taco Bell EEEEWWWW) such as Mucho Burrito, Burrito Boyz and Gourmet Gringos. Those places have excellent tasting burritos, and I always go there again whenever I can. They are more packed even before closing time, so that tells you something.
I've yet to complete my quest to find the ultimate tasting burrito in the GTA, and I shall go visit Hermanos Mexican Grill in Port Credit Mississauga.
Well hopefully I won't get the trots (sorry to have brought it up), but until then I bid adieu.