Do not go here. My first experience there tonight and will definitely be my last. The cashier clearly didn't want to help me because she was so engaged in a conversation with a younger man sitting at a table about 3 feet away. When she finally did break away from that conversation she asked what I wanted. Midway through my order she walked away from the register so naturally I stopped giving her my order her response "keep goin' I can hear you." But then when I continued my order she said "huh? What did you want?" 3 times. As I'm waiting for my food to be prepared I see her yelling at the elder asian delivery man, "just take the order! Can you just go? Take the freakin order. (Man takes the to go bag and starts walking) and she throws her hands in the air while saying "thank you!" With the worst and ghetto attitude I've ever seen. I was polite as possible but it was clear that she didn't favor being polite to anyone that was a different race than her. I've worked in the service industry for 11 years and I've never seen someone have such a disgusting attitude towards another person while on the clock. Such a disappointment because I thought while I was walking down the street back home that I had found a gem and I would have a convenient place to order asian food! Nope. Nope. Nope.