| - Service impeccable. I've visited this location many, many times, and they are my Calgary go-to for cutting keys. They also carry all levels of security locks, peepholes, door knobs, deadbolts, safes, bicycle locks... security products pack their little shop. If they don't have what you want, they'll order it in for you.
I've been in and needed a key for my steering wheel club. They didn't have the same blank another locksmith had used for my club previously, and wouldn't cut the key without the club in the store to test it. That's fair. Those clubs can be fussy. Luckily, I was driving my own car that day, and had the club with me. The lady behind the counter made my copy, and we tested it out. Success was ours and she made me another copy for a backup.
My only beef I've had was the last time I visited, I had to return because the keys they made for my office after they had replaced a deadbolt were a little... "stiff". I asked the gent to please cut it manually from the original that was slick like butter in the lock, but he kept insisting on using the cutting code for the digital machine. The keys work, but they could be better.
I guess I was a little annoyed because for a few years in my misspent youth, I worked at a hardware store cutting keys. I'm familiar with the old tech, and the new tech... well, while new and wonderful, sometimes doesn't quite measure up to the old school way of doing it.