Being from the Myers Park area, many a good memory has been had at the Selwyn Pub.
This is a great place to go if you are looking to grab a few drinks after work or after a Panther game.
The drinks are reasonably priced and the service is excellent. The smoke can become a bit of a problem due to it being a smaller bar, but that might just be nitpicking on my part.
One of the best things about Selwyn is that it attracts people of all ages from the surrounding area from the old money Myers Park residents who have been living in the area for years to the young professional crowd. There always seems to be that person at the bar regaling the rest of the bar with stories from the neighborhood past that everyone can relate to in some way or another.
I would recommend this bar to anyone who is looking to have a chill evening, drink good beers, converse with good people. In my opinion, it is the perfect alternative to going downtown.
P.S. Watch out for the older gentleman who comes in after Panther home games and acts as if he has an ownership stake in the place. His stories border on outrageous and he constantly asks where "Coach" is. I'm not sure if this is a reference to Cheers or not, but it is definitely a little strange. He is harmless though and adds to the experience in a positive way.