I keep waffling between 2 and 3 stars--2.5 is appropriate. Banfield is to pets what Nextcare is to people. They're available when you can't get into your regular healthcare doc and will allow quick turnaround on service at a decent price.
The issue I'm having is their immediate upsell on tests and "extra's" and also when it comes to vaccinations and medication. In today's economy, I can't believe that Banfield would put such a hard sell for unnecessary items like they did with me on the last two visits. People don't have a lot on extra money to throw around--that's why they're coming to Banfield in the first place, right?
Our last visit my dog Fezzy had an eye infection and his vaccinations were due so I asked for a price quote. The first step was to upsell me on tests (allergy tests, skin tests, etc) and then also to upsell me on the vaccinations and give him more than just Rabies and Bordatella. There was a shot for parvo (seriously? thought that was just once when they were puppies) and one other disease I didn't remember.
After the vet examined Fezzy the tech came back and listed 5 medications for him, everything from an anitbiotic, an analgesic, an eye wash, an eye ointment and an allergy pill. Total bill was to be $465. I scrapped the vaccinations (can get them done at the Phx Spay/Neuter Clinic for much cheaper--$40) and all the extra tests--and when I was looking over the needed meds I noticed that the eye ointment was listed at $84.99! For a tube of triple antibiotic eye ointment. Essentially we're looking at spending $85 on a tube of neosporin. I was shocked! The tech said that the vet could give me a presricption for that one to take to my pharmacy if I felt it was too expensive. I immediately agreed. I took the rest of the meds and with the appointment the total came to $105.
Here's the kicker--I called 1800PetMeds--the price for the ointment: $35.99 plus shipping--oh it gets better! I called CVS on 7th Street--$24.99 but they'd have to order it. It gets even better than this---So I dropped it off at CVS on 16th and Camelback and went to pick it up in the afternoon--price was $15.99! A whole $70 cheaper than Banfield! Can you believe that markup???
Staff was friendly--everything else was alright--just watch their pricing and look over the details of your bill. Ask the question--are these necessary and does my pet really have to have that? Oh---your regular pharmacy can fill almost all pet medications. Check with them first--you'll keep some of that hard earned money in your pocket!