When I originally visited this dozens about four years ago I found the cupcakes to be rather dry and bland. The only cupcake I loved was the passion fruit cupcake. Indeed it was so glorious I HAD to share it with the other girls on my floor. Also service was a bit lacking. More recently the cupcakes have improved in moisture ( and mind you I don't stuff my cupcakes in the fridge and eat them the next day. That dehydrates them like woah) but in taste not so much. I did enjoy the Elvis, a banana a cupcake with some chocolate ganache inside. But everything else was average. I had one cupcake some type of rum concoction that seemed rather heavy in good coloring and completely lacking in flavor. I the cake consuming beast that i am could not even finish it. The frosting tastes like unsalted butter and food coloring. Even my equally ravenous friend found it less than palatable. More than half of it ended up in the garbage.