Took my baby when I first got her to this clinic. At first I thought it was great, she got her puppy shots and her micro chip here, which to be fair were cheaper than pretty much everywhere else. (Prob why people go here). Then I had to get a rabies titer test and I am scarred for life ever since.
It took 15 minutes, and the vet wouldn't allow me behind the screen as she said I was making my dog nervous. She needed to inject 2 legs to get a 2mm sample. Which then got sent to Texas to the lab by courier. This was a $500 test or in that region. She called me a few days later to say she needed 1mm more blood that the lab called and said they hadn't enough. I was so horrified that day I said no way. Left the clinic crying. Researched like crazy and have since found an AWESOME vet (feel free to PM me for details if you need).
Please don't try and save money on your poor helpless animals, do your research before choosing a vet people!