Some people hate on this place for reasons I don't think are completely logical. It's fairly upscale and a lot nicer than traditional 'beer focused' bars: which our city has hundreds of. If that is what you are looking for, swing a stick and you will hit 5 of them. There is a PT's pub on almost every main road. And this isn't one of those places. It's a martini lounge. And I like the principle of the $10.00 cover charge, because it helps keep the rabble out. Ten dollars is not a ton of money. And seriously, if a ten dollar cover is tough for you to come up with; you should probably be out looking for a better job rather than stewing over that. Think of it as a public service fee for discouraging the dregs of society from being in attendance. And even with it being that simple of a concept, it works! I bring my customers here and they always have a good time. And I don't have to worry about them ending up in a bar fight with a bunch of blue-collar tools. Moving on .... Happy hour is a bargain IMHO. The martinis they pour are potent and made with good label vodka. I agree that it can get a little pricey if you aren't enjoying happy hour. But its on par with what you will pay on the Strip for a double martini. The simple solution is to do the bulk of your drinking during happy hour, which runs from 4-8PM.