| - I hired Hastings Water Works to open my pool but not the spa. I was quoted $440. I came home to find the workers opening the pool and spa. Billed $660. My pool water was not clear, but I was assured that the water would be clear in a couple of day. After two weeks and several unanswered phone calls, I made contact with them. They came out to check the water and balance the chemicals. When I arrived home that evening, the pool pump was making a loud noise. I phone them to ask about it. Two days later I called again and told them of the problem. A week later, after more requests to have the pump checked, they sent over a "diagnostician" who found a broken impeller. He, however, does not fix problems, only does the diagnosis. Several days later I finally made contact with the service manager. The pool was getting greener. He told me that they could RENT me a pool side pump to circulate the water until they could replace the pump. This was on a Saturday morning. I HUNG UP, WENT TO THE GREAT EXCAPE, BOUGHT THE PUMP AND INSTALLED IT MYSELF." I called their answering service to cancel the temporary pump. To my surprise I received an immediate call back from the service manager, to whom I explained that I personally fixed the problem. Too bad for them, as I am willing to pay for good service.
I received three invoices in one envelope from them about two weeks ago. I wrote the check for the total, $1105.60, but received a call from a gruff individual asking me to pay. I told him that I was going to pay. The next day I received a collections notice from JL Russell and Associates, A collection agency.
Well, to summarize: They charge too much, have abhorrent customer service, and most importantly they attempt to upcharge the unwitting. Perhaps current customers should shop around and review the charges with other providers.