I stopped by here this past Thursday with my fiance near dusk for an ice-ball. It has been many years since I last stopped at Gus and Yiayia's and it was nice to see that everything is still exactly the same. It even appears that Gus is still working although he is no longer shaving the ice himself. If you have never been to Gus and Yiayias, it's a mobile food stand near the tennis courts of the Allegheny Commons park and they have been in that same location for as long as I have been alive. The stand serves both popcorn and ice-balls but their ice-balls are what they are known for. You see they have a big block of ice on the cart and a hand shaving tool and shave it for you whenever you order and then top it with one or a combination of their many flavors. This last time I decided to go with a lemon-lime mixture while my fiance went with the cherry. The ice was nice and refreshing especially against the evening heat and I enjoyed the taste of my syrups as you got a lot of the flavors but they weren't too sweet. My fiances' cherry ice ball was quite different though as it was a bit over the top sweet for me. Who can begrudge an ice ball for being too sweet though as I am that's exactly the way that most of the kids prefer it..
The bottom line for me is that I would definitely come here again in the future. Personally its like a walk down memory lane for me and I really enjoyed it. The ice balls are good and they are reasonable priced so why not stop by an enjoy one?