Biking/hiking-The trail is paved. I decided to bike this trail. I wouldn't recommend hiking or walking this trail because it is boring. It is an ok bike trail. Their are a few places where you have to stop and use a cross walk for a busy intersection or yield to traffic and so you pretty much have to stop in certain places. There isn't much to see besides the desert to your right and a highway to your left. I started at the M casino and biked to the starbucks and back which was 6.67 miles. The trail has mile markers which is cool. The trail has little tiny hills throughout. I liked the trail because it has 2 lanes for people coming and going. I also thought the trail was ok because it had a few statues but I didn't stop to check them out because they weren't that cool. It is a cool that there is a trail for people to bike here but it isn't amazing or anything. I would prefer a trail with a view, some shade, some scenery that was pretty, or a trail where I didn't have to stop every mile for a busy intersection. The trail is relatively flat with some little ups and downs that make it a decent workout.