THE WORST- adult, male, strawberry blonde host ever. Zero eye contact and he was incapable of greeting us because he was busy being confused by the hard copy table seating document. Shaking his head while gripping a white-out strip tape trying to 'fix' things. Lots of young people walking about, dirty empty tables everywhere and not a busser in sight. We asked for a bar table and got it but it came with some eye rolls (there were two empty bar tables - one sat dirty for +15 min). We ordered right away. I ordered the grumpy troll burger, no cheese. Super plain. Bacon may have been cooked yesterday (I had to pull a weird chunk of it outta my mouth). Flagged down our person asked for mustard and raw onions. Asked again. Then it finally came and the onion included the onion core, because everyone loves that part. When she came to clear plates she said nor asked nothing about the mess of burger left on my plate (see below).
Overall service and food was well worth the one star. Hey host-dude your stress does not belong at the front of the house. People don't forget when you too busy to give a $&/t.
D- customer service. 10/14/17 - 2pm.