| - My elderly mother has Alzheimer's and I am her POA and caregiver so I selected this practice for her when we moved here. From the first visit, I was disappointed but kept hoping it would get better. We have since switched to another family practice in the area and I am much more satisfied with her quality of care now, however, feel it is important to share my experience to those who may be considering using this practice. The staff at the front desk could not have been less friendly which I found out after a few more visits that was the norm. On the very first visit, Dr. Sarna was more worried about trying to get us to buy the probiotics they sell in the office and talking with me about some book that tells you how to cure dementia through diet. Even if this were true, my mother already has Alzheimer's and any idiot knows it is not curable. Thankfully, other than this, my mother is in a fairly well managed medical state so only a routine visit needed to happen every 6 months or so. However, when it came to requesting refills, dealing with this office was a nightmare. I always ALWAYS had to call at least two times if not more to get her routine prescription refills sent over to the pharmacy. One time, I was told by the person who is responsible for managing the refill request phone line that she had been on vacation for a week so that is why it did not get done timely. So no one covers their prescription line while the main person is on vacation for a week?? What kind of practice management is that? It certainly did not give me any sense of comfort that they were on top of the ball and would be so if a true emergency happened. My last straw was I took my mother in for a VERY routine female issue (an external cyst that needed to be drain) and was told that they could not do this in their office as none of the doctors had the experience to do this and that she would have to see a gyn specialist. So first off, how can any family practice doctor NOT have cyst drainage experience?? Give me the proper tools and I could watch a YouTube video and do it. It's just insane and completely unbelievable that they did not have that experience. I think the issue was truly that it was the Friday before Labor Day and they were busy and just did not want to be bothered with it and get on with their holiday weekend plans. So with the holiday weekend and then waiting for an available appointment with a gyn, my mother had to go a week before she could get the cyst drained. To me it is unconscionable that they were ok with sending an elderly woman out of their office that day who needed to have a routine office procedure done and they were unwilling to do it. Like I said, that was the last straw for me and I never took her back and will never go back there.