| - I passed by here on the train a few times, and I heard some good thing about the place, so I figured I'd stop by one night with my girlfriend. We arrived, and although we did face somewhat of a wait (partially my fault, didn't make a reservation as we kinda made a last minute decision) the hostesses were always attentive and prompt to update us with how long the wait could be expected. So after about a 25-30 minute wait we're seated, but at least it was worth the wait! All of the seating, decor and design wise is all up to par and leaves little to be desired. We had calamari to split, I myself ordered some scallops and my girlfriend had the lobster fettuccine. All expertly prepared, taste and texture right as they should be on all the items! Service as usual was prompt and at no point did we feel like the wait was unreasonable. One thing I'd like to point out is that while service was still prompt and there when you needed it, they didn't get too pushy with constantly checking on things, a lot of places seem to overdo that so that's always a refreshing change. That being said, it is on the pricy end, but that, like the wait time, is backed up by quality if nothing else. They didn't seem to have comment cards so we had to actually request the manager to give our compliments to the staff (if you guys,at HL are reading we apologize if we may have scared you!).
All in all, an exceptionally nice place if you have a few extra banknotes in your wallet and some patience (unless you reserve!)