| - LO-O-O-O-VED it. How could I not. I saw the leg lamp from "A Christmas Story" on a shelf behind the bar.
Genna's gives off a great vibe. Very comfortable, yet not dive-y. Loungey, but not swanky. It's a great atmosphere, with soft lighting, warmly painted walls, and tons of interesting stuff on the walls/shelves to look at. The jukebox remained busy on this Saturday night, as did the bartenders. Prices were very reasonable ($2.75 for bottles of bud light, $4+ for delicious microbrews) and the crowd was friendly. My main beef had to do with the bathroom door upstairs having no lock. The entertainment of the evening consisted of counting the seconds someone could make it peeing in privacy before someone else yanked open the door. (I made it about 37, thankyouverymuch).
BOTTOM LINE: Great atmosphere, fun crowd, super bartenders, good prices. Fix the stinkin' lock on the bathroom door and I'll have found my utopia.