| - This place takes the (pan!)cake for cozy morning breakfast.
Growing up in the South Hills, this is where you tried to go every Saturday morning. Note I definitely said TRIED, as if you arrive after 11, you better be very patient. This place is small and people love to relax and stay a while. However, this is one of the few spots I will leave the house for before noon on the weekend.
You might have seen the spot on the Food Network. If not, look it up. The owner and her daughter are crazy endearing. The focus here, of course, is on the pancakes. This is the only place I know of that serves pumpkin pancakes year round, and it is for a reason. These are dense and sweet, enough that even I don't syrup them. A little whipped butter in a paper souffle cup and a dash of salt (hey, don't knock it 'til you try it), I can clear three or so in a few minutes.
They also have staple breakfast items, along with the jumbot. At least one of the guys in my party always goes for the ham on the bone/jumbot. If you can fit this thing in your body, go for it. The only other unique item to try would be the stuffed french toast. Personally, between syrupy fruit filling (compote is too kind a word for this ice cream topping inside) and then topped with more fruit syrup, it tastes more like a heavy dessert for me, but I know those who swear by this as their weekend treat.
If you find yourself on the other side of the Liberty Tubes on an early morning, you need to go get pumpkin pancakes. You can even call ahead for it to be ready for take out and avoid the mess of hungry Dormont-ers along the Potomac sidewalk, but then you'd miss making new friends with your slightly brash waitress and the infamous specials on the tiny chalkboard. Either way, depending on your timing, this diner will hit the very top on your breakfast list.