I FINALLY had a sleep study done after my Wife complained of a high volume rumble I made when I slept (she snores a little too) but Dr. Molin told me that it really was time to get it done, for my well being not just $$$.
The techs were so nice, Josh helped me and conversed with me to make it easy to sleep with the equipment on. I had brought my own pillow and got into the very clean and fresh bed, got to sleep about 1145pm the testing was done at 530 or so.
about a week later my results were in and I was pausing my breathing while I slept.
Went back and had another one done with a C-Pap machine on, results were great, I use the C-Pap that my Insurance paid every night, I feel better and no snoring going on, follow ups are not so frequent and the machine has a Memory Card so it can be read right there in the Doc's office.
I am compliant and better for it.